This is so funny to me. Notice the only two to vote against the name is black. Why can't they just let it go. Talk about digging up the past. Do you think the name of the school should be changed? Honestly I had no idea who old dude was until I read the article here is a portion of it. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. รข€“ A Florida school board voted late Monday night to keep the name of a Confederate general and early Ku Klux Klan leader at a majority black high school, despite opposition from a black board member who said the school's namesake was a "terrorist and racist." After hearing about three hours of public comments, Duval County School Board members voted 5-2 to the retain the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest High School. The board's two black members cast the only votes to change the name. "(Forrest) was a terrorist and a racist," argued board member Brenda Priestly Jackson, who is black. Betty Burney, the board chairman and the board's other black member, also voted against retaining the name. "It is time to turn the page and get beyond where we are," she said. Time to turn the page? Why don't she just let it go. Why are black people intending on making everything racist. I think Malcom X and MLK were racist against white people but I guess that was okay. Why does it seem that if it racism against whites its okay but as soon as something remotely racist (really it wasn't until it was twisted around) against black or whatever other kind race all hell breaks loose. We can't help what is in the past but we can learn to get over it. The past is just that the past so I ask people to quit dwelling on slavery and the civil war its over people its a new age lets act like it.
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I can understand not wanting to have the name of someone who hated your race on top of the buiding you go into every day. I think you would too if the roles were reversed. As a Northerner who moved (hopefully temporarily) to the South, I don't see this school as a unique institution. There's plenty of reminders of slavery here, some almost honored. It's very odd to me, especially since the African American population is somewhat large. I don't feel comfortable seeing all this, and I'm white.
You think it's bad now, I don't think it's going to improve soon. I can just imagine what tonight will bring, it won't be pretty no matter who wins. I do think though, that all this over exaggerated political correctness is going to come to an end. If Obama wins, that means that the highest office in the country is held by a "blacK" man, to me it will be hard to justify all this affirmative action crap. Maybe white folks could at least, once again, have = rights.
Nathan Bedford Forrest was one of the founders of the KKK. KKK being a Greek abbreviation of "The Unbroken Circle." He was involved with the KKK as a Confederate Veterans Association. Two years after it's beginnings Forrest left the KKK because of the radicals who had taken over and began spreading the violence known by the KKK. Forrest at the end of the War of Northern Aggression had written to his fellow Tennessee Vets that what ever differences were present before the war that they should be resolved and everyone treated as equal after the war. Forrest never supported violence toward anyone after the war. The name should remain with the school..